Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

Santa Fe
May 30 - June 2, 2024



Thursday, May 30: Arrivals

  • Arrivals

    Individual arrivals and transfer to hotel.

  • Check In

    Check in at the Rosewood Inn of the Anasazi.

  • Evening

    After hours tour of the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum.

    Cocktails at a private collection.

  • Dinner

    Dinner at a locally celebrated restaurant.

Santa Fe

Santa Fe, New Mexico’s capital, sits in the Sangre de Cristo foothills. It’s renowned for its Pueblo-style architecture and as a creative arts hotbed. Founded as a Spanish colony in 1610, it has at its heart the traditional Plaza. The surrounding historic district’s crooked streets wind past adobe landmarks including the Palace of the Governors, now home to the New Mexico History Museum.

Georgia O'Keeffe Museum

With 10 beautifully lit galleries in a rambling 20th-century adobe, this museum boasts the world's largest collection of O'Keeffe’s work. She’s best known for her luminous New Mexican landscapes, but the changing exhibitions here range through her entire career, from her early years through to her time at Ghost Ranch.

Friday, May 29

  • Morning

    Morning at leisure.

  • Lunch

    Lunch with Rose B. Simpson at Santa Cafe.

  • Afternoon

    Visit to the home of Rose B. Simpson.

  • Late Afternoon/ Evening

    Tour of the School for Advanced Research followed by cocktails and dinner.

  • Dinner

    Dinner in The Library at the Rosewood Inn Of the Anasazi

Rose B Simpson

Rose B. Simpson was born in 1983 in Santa Clara Pueblo, New Mexico, where she lives and works today. In 2007, the artist received her BFA from the Institute of American Indian Arts, and in 2011, she received her MFA in Ceramics from the Rhode Island School of Design. Simpson’s work reflects on the multilayered history of her home in New Mexico and of the United States, exploring modes of empowerment and resilience that carry traditions into the future. Working across media, the artist finds new ways to connect past and present, express experience and identity, and contemplate freedom and strength.

Saturday, June 1

  • Morning

    Visit to San Ildefonso Pueblo.

  • Lunch

    Lunch at the home of Russell Sanchez in San Ildefonso Pueblo.

  • Afternoon

    Optional afternoon visit to Georgia O’Keeffe home and studio in Abiquiu.

  • Dinner

    Dinner at The Compound.

San Ildefonso Pueblo

Historians believe the original San Ildefonso people abandoned their original villages at Mesa Verde and Bandelier due to drastic changes in the environment.

It was on top of nearby Black Mesa, across the Río Grande from San Ildefonso that the Pueblo held off Spanish soldiers during their reconquest of New Mexico in 1694.

Today, the Pueblo is a flourishing art community with about 1,500 residents. It was the home of the late Maria Martinez, who along with her husband, Julian, developed the world-renowned, black-on-black pottery with black matte designs. Artisans’ homes throughout the Pueblo are open to the public for shopping. The San Ildefonso Pueblo Museum also displays traditional crafts. With an average of 20,000 visitors each year, San Ildefonso is one of the most visited Pueblos in the state.



Ghost Ranch

Georgia O’Keeffe maintained two homes in Northern New Mexico. Her summer house, twelve miles from Abiquiú, sits on 12 acres at the edge of a 21,000-acre property called Ghost Ranch. When O’Keeffe purchased the parcel in 1940, the greater Ghost Ranch operated as a dude ranch—a destination for visitors and tourists. Today, Ghost Ranch is a retreat center operated by the Presbyterian Church and still welcomes visitors. Though breathtakingly situated, O’Keeffe’s Ghost Ranch home was not suitable for her to live in year-round. O’Keeffe purchased a larger home, in the village of Abiquiú, for its well-irrigated garden and the comfort it offered in winter. While both houses are owned by the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, only the Abiquiú Home and Studio is open for public tours.


Sunday, June 2

  • Morning

    Morning at Santa Fe Railyard, including visits to Santa Fe Railyard Artisan Market, SITE Santa Fe and other galleries.


    Visit to a private collection.

  • Late Morning

    Pottery class at Paseo Pottery.

  • Afternoon

    Departures from Santa Fe.

SITE Santa Fe

SITE Santa Fe (often referred to simply as SITE) is a nonprofit contemporary arts organization based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Since its founding in 1995, SITE Santa Fe has presented 11 biennials, more than 90 contemporary art exhibitions, and works by more than 800 artists. Following its presentation of the first international biennial of contemporary art in the U.S., SITE expanded its programming to include ongoing exhibitions of notable artists in solo and group shows, often including new commissions and U.S. debuts. While SITE presents artists from all over the world, it has also provided support and career development opportunities for local New Mexico talent. Approximately 20% of the exhibited artists are based in New Mexico.


*Please note that this programme will be subject to change. We look forward to keeping you updated. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.